Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Reflections on the Conventions

It has been impossible for me to ignore the Democratic and Republican conventions. The uncertain times we are experiencing demand our participation in the political process. We are, after all, a nation of individuals who have benefited greatly from the opportunities and freedoms with which we have been blessed.

I personally experienced the repression of Franco's Spain when I lived in Barcelona for a year in the mid-sixties. I have seen my Cuban family suffer the deprivations of Castro's iron hand. I watched in horror as more than 54,000 Americans were robbed of their lives in Viet Nam and lent my body and energies to the demonstrations that strove to stop that "police action." Yes, I did fear and oppose communism, but south east Asia seemed so far away.

Today, with the world a much smaller place, ripped apart by Islamo-terrorism, our economy in dire straights and our environment threatened, I feel it's time for us to come together as AMERICANS.

I resent the innuendos of the media against the candidates. The circus-like atmosphere of the Democratic convention repulsed me. I am tired of platitudes and soaring rhetoric.

We need real cooperation by our leaders to bring about real solutions for our country at every level.

Tonight as I listened to Democrat Joseph Lieberman speaking at the Republican convention, calling upon all Americans to come together to solve our problems, I felt inspired. I appreciated the calm dignity of Fred Thompson's portrayal of John McCain as a true public servant who has always put America first.

I appeal to each and every one who values our freedoms to put aside partisanship. People from all over the world are risking everything to get into the United States of America. Why are so many Americans complacent?

Please, it is way past time to stop criticizing and start working to affirm this amazing nation of ours as "the land of the free and the home of the brave."

As President John F. Kennedy so aptly proclaimed, "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country."

1 comment:

Sunny said...

'Just passin thru'
All so interesting...
It will be amazing who becomes presidenrt I think...
I lived in the us for 6 yrs and
also visited Israel in 1999