Saturday, May 9, 2009

"Palestine" Lovers

"Palestine" lovers are Israel haters. So-called "Palestinians" by their own overt behavior repeatedly prove they love hate-speech, suppression of women, murder of their own children, terrorism, "honor killings," corruption, dictatorship, brainwashing, lies, theft of trillions of dollars in international aid to enrich their own corrupt leaders.

They use the aid to buy more bombs and guns instead of educating their children, building up their own land and economy. They use the international aid to wreak destruction and shoot missiles into Sederot and southern Israel almost daily.

How can reasonable, rational people support the creation of a 23rd Arab nation? The people who now call themselves "Palestinians" are really Egyptians, Syrians, nomadic herders and other Arabs who came to work on Jewish land that had been abandoned and forgotten for two-thousand years.

The Jewish pioneers bought those swamps in the north and deserts in the south at exorbitant prices from the Ottoman Turks and wrestled with that unforgiving land until they created lush fields of grain, flowers and vegetables and orchards overflowing with luscious fruit.

The Arab "brothers" of the so-called "Palestinians" have refused to give them citizenship in their existing 22 (twenty-two) Arab countries so that they can be used as pawns to drive the Jews into the Mediterranean Sea.

The creation of a "Palestinian" state will be the absolute certain destruction of the only Jewish state on earth.

Those that demand a "Palestinian" state are supporting terrorism, suppression of women, hate speech, bombings, murder of children, "honor killings," on top of simply EXPRESSING THEIR OBVIOUS VITRIOLIC ANTISEMITISM and seeking the annihilation of Israel and the Jewish people.

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