Once again the inhuman viciousness of the enemies of the people of Ha Shem has manifested itself in the murder of 8 students and wounding of almost a dozen, mostly just teenagers, as they were studying G-d's word. One of the students who was killed was Ethiopian preparing to be a rabbi.
The world doesn't seem to get it. So many of the followers of Muhammad continue their "traditional" method of dealing with what they call "infidels," mayhem and murder.
This is certainly not the way to win in the arena of public opinion. I have to laugh when I compare how the Mexicans have reclaimed California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas by sheer birthrate while the Arabs, who also have a very high birth rate, keep up their terrorist campaigns in trying to "reclaim" what they call their land, which frankly it never was!
The Ottoman Turkish empire laid claim to what the Roman occupiers called "Palestine" for 400 years until their defeat in the FIRST WORLD WAR. There had never been an Arab country in that tiny region. After World War I, it was the British, who were given "The Mandate" by the League of Nations, that administered the region for the establishment of a JEWISH HOMELAND. They ended up handing over more than 70% of the territory on the east side of the Jordan River to Abdallah, of the Arab Hashemite clan, who had been warring with the house of Saud on the Arabian peninsula.
The Brits were trying to ingratiate themselves to the Arabs because of the huge reserves of oil discovered under the desert sands. The Hashemites then named "their" new land "Trans-Jordan" "across the Jordan" River. Eventually it was named the Kingdom of JORDAN. BUT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAVE BEEN OURS originally!
Mark Twain travelled to the Old World after the U.S. War between the States. He wrote a book called Innocents Abroad about his extensive journeys. As a result of his visit to the Holy Land, he wrote that it was a total wasteland. The Turks had deforested it, stripped it of its trees for lumber, destroyed its ecosystems and its beauty. It was arid and almost entirely abandoned. There were very few people living there.
The most numerous group was some die-hard religious Jews who still maintained some Yeshivot, houses of sacred study, and the nomadic Bedouins who were transitory as they grazed their flocks according to the seasonal rains. THERE WAS NOT EVEN AN ARAB SHEIKDOM MUCH LESS AN ARAB COUNTRY!
Just as the British forced the creation of PAKISTAN for Muslims of India after World War II, the League of Nations after World War I artificially created countries were none existed before, forcing diverse and often opposing tribes, ethnicities and clans to cohabit lands here-to-fore not entities nor even theirs.
You know what the colonialists did in Africa, pushing warring tribes together into artificially created "countries," causing endless strife that exists to this day. Note Kenya and Zimbabwe recently in the news.
So-called "Palestinians" who claim they have owned the Holy Land since "time immemorial" have rewritten world history. They are deceiving themselves and the world. Russian and French Jews who were being murdered in pogroms and anti-Semitic attacks, like the Dreyfus affair in France and the Cossack massacres in the Ukraine, fled to the Holy Land the 1800's waned. Their wealthy Jewish benefactors, like Montefiore and Baron Rothschild, bought swamps in the north and desert lands in the south from the Turks at exorbitant prices. These down-trodden, green-horn Jews started draining the swamps and irrigating the deserts. It was only then that wandering Arabs from Syria and Egypt immigrated to the Land to work in the orchards and the fields the Jews had so pain-strikingly wrested from hostile soil.
As a result of my friendship with Atara Mont whom you know, I was introduced to Nuwaf Massalha, an Arab-Israeli who was deputy speaker in the Knesset in 1996 when I made aliya. His grandfather had come from Egypt decades before as a laborer. Nuwaf had worked himself up to his high position and was only second generation in the Land. Only in a democratic, non-sectarian, pluralistic country like Israel and America can this dream come true! Nuwaf's immigrant profile is typical of the great majority of Arab-Israelis. They have been there perhaps a maximum of three or four generations by now, NOT THE THOUSANDS OF YEARS THEY CLAIM!
We have the most highly reliable document to prove our claim to the land since THREE-THOUSAND YEARS AGO. IT'S CALLED THE BIBLE!! Abraham BOUGHT the Cave of Machpelah by Hebron to bury his wife Sarah and himself. Isaac, Rebekah, Jacob and Leah are also buried there. Jacob BOUGHT land outside of Shechem, today's NABLUS, so he could settle down after he fled from his father-in-law, Laban, and returned to The Land.
We have irrefutable proof of our right to and presence in the Land.
After the Exodus from Egypt, we set up the Mishkan, the Tabernacle that we built and carried through the wilderness, in SHILOH. Shiloh is in the Shomron, Samaria, in what is now called the "West Bank" of the Jordan River. The Mishkan was there for 369 years until King David brought the Ark of the Covenant up to Jerusalem.
I spent many a Shabbat in the settlement of Shiloh with dear friends during the three years I lived in Israel. I even applied to live there and be a member of the yishuv.
The Moslems claim that the Mosque of Omar and the Al-Aksa Mosque on our Temple Mount are the third most holy sites for Islam. VERY INTERESTING THAT THE WORLD FAILS TO KNOW THAT THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM, who was photographed when he became an ally of the world's most virulent anti-Semite, Adolf Hitler, ONLY AS RECENTLY AS 1932 DECLARED IT THE THIRD MOST HOLY CITY FOR ISLAM, at the urging of the British!
Enough said. This is the truth of history. And this is where I stand. It only takes a very cursory review of history to know whose Land it is.
Anyway, I am done with my soap-box speeches for today.
I love you very much and am so proud we are members of the gene pool of Jacob and Benjamin.
Stay well, keep your optimism and don't let the bastards get you down!
Oceans of love,
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