Thank G-d for the practical intelligence of the majority of U.S. citizens!
I was once very liberal. When I first registered to vote in 1968, it was in the Peace and Freedom Party. Having children, maturity forged from difficulties, the passing years and a life of struggle have brought me around to a much more realistic view.
The three years I lived in Israel sealed it.
Terrorists do not negociate. They kill. They murder innocents. Jimmy Carter made an idiot of himself. What an embarressment!
You can be sure that the terrorists are laughing themselves silly!
And, of course, they think the same of Senator Obama. They endorsed him because they know they can use him for their own evil purposes. And believe me, there is terrible evil in this world!
Thank you, President Bush, for standing before the Israeli Knesset and telling it like it is!
Americans! Ask "The Greatest Generation!" Remember World War II. Talk to my step-dad who fought in the Pacific and lost his younger brother, Jimmy, in Italy.
Wake up Americans! Come out of your ivory towers bleeding heart liberals! If you want to continue enjoying your free speech and your liberty, WAKE UP!
Terrorists intend to destroy the most basic premises of this amazing country in which we are privileged to live.
G-d bless George W. Bush and John Mc Cain. Their powerful stance will keep us free and strong!
Shabbat shalom!