I have a bone to pick with you. You thirty-something Jewish men, I am furious with you! Several of you have commented to me that you desperately want to find a wonderful Jewish wife, yet you hesitate and place all sorts of demanding qualifications on her. She must be slim and pretty and sexy and an adequate wage earner.
I suppose this actually applies to women as well, and seekers of a soul mate at any mature age.
I have something to say to you.
You want a "10," but are you a "10"? Do you realize, especially you men, that you are destroying the hopes of so many unmarried women? The 30-something women are fretting and worrying they will never have children for they hear their biological clock ticking, ever so loudly.
You are depriving the Jewish people of a new generation, you are cheating America of new native-born citizens and you are depriving yourselves of the amazing and maturity-provoking experience of being a father.
How old will you be when you finally have a child? Will you have the physical strength and stamina to raise a child? Will you make it alive to a son's bar mitzva or a daughter's chuppa?
And you older men who want to have children or more children in your 50's and 60's, I have a question for you. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MINDS? If indeed this is your desire, I sincerely hope you are very wealthy or have a generous life insurance policy due to the likelihood that you will kick the bucket and leave your younger wife to raise your progeny alone.
For heaven's sake, stop looking for a "10." Look for a "7." As you get to know her, you may very well discover you have found a veritable treasure. And the same goes for you women!
We were never meant to be singles. "It is not good for man to be alone. I will make an ezer kenegdo 'helpmate,' 'power equal' to him." Genesis (Bereshit) 2:18."
We are designed to be coupled. How else can we be challenged to become a better human being? If we do not have a spouse to mirror us and challenge us, as well as be a companion and soft place to land, how can we grow into our very best person?
So, I challenge you to see life through clear and realistic lenses. Go out there and snag yourself a spouse!
Remember, the Almighty says, "He that finds a wife finds a good thing and receives favor from the Lord." (Proverbs (Mishlei) 18:22.
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