I am such a lucky woman to live in a condo in Pasadena on the top fourth floor. The view is spectacular, nothing but trees, mountains and sky.
There's a spacious balcony where I have my potted herbs and vegetables, three plastic chairs and a small table. On the ceiling outside the dining room window hangs a red hummingbird feeder.
One of the male hummingbirds that lives in the tree opposite me has claimed my balcony as his territory. I've named him "Buddy."
If one of the others tries to sip my home-made nectar, Buddy chases him or her away rather roughly if he happens to be close.
I've been traveling a lot lately so the feeder hasn't been refilled in a timely manner. Buddy has decided that it's his right and perhaps even his responsibility to chastise me for my negligence.
He flies right up to my dining room window about four feet from the feeder and hovers, moving his head back and forth as if shaking it, not believing how poorly I am behaving.
My friend, Batya, stayed with me a couple of days and was not only startled but amused at this odd relationship Buddy and I have.
I've been wanting to rescue a border collie mix but I'll bet Buddy would have a fit to find a dog on HIS balcony. My plants are fine, but (wo)man's best friend? I doubt it!
Dear Gentle readers, any suggestions? Thank you in advance.
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