The Tale of Edwina, the Bald Froggylette
Edwina was a very sad froggylette. As fate would have it, she was born with her father's male pattern baldness.
Oh, I know. Many babies are born completely bald-headed, but sooner or later, those wonderful, fuzzy-making follicles push forth soft, fluffy hair.
Not so with shy Edwina. It mattered not how much her Mommy rubbed her head with olive oil and juniper berries.
Self-conscious Edwina would hide in the cloak-room at school. She would wear a wig or cap or a scarf or a funny hat, but was always so scared that the wind would blow them off.
Or worse! Some mean kid might figure it out and simply yank what ever it was off her head out of cruel teasing.
One fine summer's day Edwina's mother asked her to set up a lemonade stand in front of the house. Along came Mrs. Quigley, very kind old widow woman, to quench her thirst. Unbeknownst to Edwina, Mrs. Quigley also wore a very stylish wig.
Suddenly a hot, dry wind from the desert marred that sunny day. As Mrs. Quigley leaned over to pay her quarter for the home-made lemonade, a big gust of wind whooshed down the street and both Edwina and the elderly widow felt their head-coverings fly away!
Their eyes got big like deer caught in car headlights on a dark road. The two stared at each other, and started to laugh hysterically!
"What a beautifully shaped head your have!" Mrs. Quigley exclaimed as she marvelled at Edwina's dignified and shining cranium.
Edwina could hardly restrain her happiness! "Oh, Mrs. Quigley, you have made me the happiest little bald froggylette in the entire village!"
This was cause for great rejoicing in the town. And the Mayor declared the "Bald Is Beautiful Day" in honor of the new friends.
The End